This is Clarice

A blue dwarf lemur sewn of blue fabric is sitting on a table.  It is wearing a double strand of pearls around its neck, and a pig nose is held on with ribbons.

This is Clarice. She is a rare blue dwarf lemur and she is six years old. She is dressed up as Miss Piggy for a New Year’s Eve costume party, but because she’s only six, she’s only allowed to stay up till nine o’clock.

We had a big argument over a wig of brassy blonde Miss Piggy curls – I said that they were far too big and far too MUCH for such a small lemur. She said that the curls were NECESSARY or nobody would know who she was, she’d just be any elegant pig in evening dress.

I won because I am bigger than she is, but she is still sulking, which is why she’s so excited to be going on a trip through international post to meet Miss A -another little girl – because grown-ups never EVER understand and in Korea where Miss A lives she bets people would be properly sympathetic and let her wear her curls with authenticity. I congratulated her on her mastery of big words, but I still wouldn’t let her wear the wig. She sulked till seven o’clock.

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