And what I learned today is that two layers of Spotlight’s most delicate white netting under a skirt and a) you get one nasty scratchy rash around your mid-section from the horrible plastic weave and b) you look pouffy enough for an Elizabethan faire.
So – This is a blurry photo of me looking cranky after I discovered exactly how ridiculously large the skirt was. My sister says it looks as if my knees are eight and a half months pregnant.

Here’s another photograph of the overblown skirt on Sally.

Therefore, ergo and quod erat demostratum, the skirt will be worn sans-petticoat.
Here is a really horrible blurry-mirror photo of the late 1930s look I’m going for. My camera really doesn’t like low-light situations, does it? And it seems to be incredibly liberal about how it interprets low-light… sigh.

Fortunately, the lining of the skirt gives it enough body to hold up to the apron front. The lame is too flimsy to stand up on its own, so I went to Spotlight and found some ice-white polyester duponi, which, while being a fabric of spectacularly nasty hand and shininess, looks positively classy in comparison to gold foil lame. While the counter-lady was cutting my yardage she gave me a series of squinty looks and muttered dubiously about what an awful fabric it was.
Harrumph. Don’t look at ME, lady. This is the best your lovely shop had to offer.
Part 1