I am building a costume for a party with the Theme of Fire and Ice. I have one week!
Ahem: The bodice is sewn, the underskirt is sewn, the overskirt is sewn and lined with red net – and only the gold lame underskirt still fits on Sally.
Sewing tapes into the bustled overskirt skirt:

The finished over-skirt sitting on TOP of Sally:

All I have left is a few fastenings – press studs and hooks and eyes and buttons. And possibly something amusing for my hair. Yesterday I went back to Spotlight for face paint and feathers, but the selection was non-existent – even by Spotlight standards. A very sweet lady in a store uniform explained that the St Johns Ambulance was holding a masquerade party that night- which explains why it looked as if the millinery section had been ravaged! She kindly tracked down a carnival mask with a nice set of red feather biots glued to the top so that I could cannibalize it-
Let’s see how it looks in the morning.