The green blob is done! I finished sewing my green 1790s round gown! After stitching and sewing my way across Europe, I have arrived in Mellieha. And so, without further ado – introducing Lady Hamilton in Malta!

About 3/4 of the way into the construction of the Green Blob, I went on holidays!

Vaxxed, double-boosted, and in the heightened immunity window of having recently recovered from the C myself, I flew off to Europe. Knowing I was heading to places with far more scope for neoclassical backdrops than can be found in Iquique (known neoclassical building count: zero), I bundled the Green Blob into my suitcase and brought it along.
I put the last stitches into the Green Blob on Malta, and very early one morning,

before the heat rose up

we drove over the hill to the parish church of Mellieha, and brought her out to show her off.
I took off that bloody petticoat- and now this voile 1790s gown MOVES! There is no bustle pad at the back, as the bustle pad had been sewn to the under-petticoat, but that’s a small loss when I’m looking like a Greek goddess on a spring picnic instead of like her laundry hamper.

And the purple silk sash against the green in the strong Mediterranean sunshine is just…(chef’s kiss).

Lady Emma Hamilton is very fashion forward with her stylish sandaled feet, but she is also sentimental, and she is wearing a necklace that her husband (Sir William Hamilton) bought for his first wife before she died (in 1792).
And Lady Hamilton didn’t have time to style her wig before she got on the airplane to Malta, so she slapped it onto her head, tied a scarf around it and hoped for the best.
Which she got, of course. Emma, Lady Hamilton makes her own chic.

I do declare – Emma, Lady Hamilton, is something of a vamp.

(Historically accurate photograph of a merveilleuse wrangling her acres of silly skirt.)
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