Here is a short tutorial on how to make a straw basket 1860’s doll bonnet from a craft-store straw basket!
Silk Ribbon Embroidered Jewelry Pouches
When you have a bag full of ribbon ends and a bag full of silk scraps, make silk ribbon embroidered jewelry pouches!
Finalist in the Historical Inspiration Festival!
Good gosh! – I went over to Story of a Seamstress tonight and discovered that my 1850s Child’s Dress has been nominated as a finalist in the Most Creative Category!
Historical Inspiration Festival – 1860s Summer Dress for an American Girl Doll
Story of A Seamstress is hosting a Historical Inspiration Costume Festival. She’s kindly invited doll costumers to participate. Here’s Bella!
Historical Inspiration Festival – Regency Ballgown for an American Girl Doll
Story of A Seamstress is hosting a Historical Inspiration Costume Festival. She has kindly invited doll costumers to participate. Here’s Lily!
Historical Inspiration Festival – Regency Ensemble for an American Girl Doll
Story of A Seamstress is hosting a Historical Inspiration Costume Festival. She has kindly invited doll costumers to participate. Here’s Jane!
Silk Ribbon Embroidery: Nasturtium
Currently my favorite color for silk ribbon embroidery is Nasturtium by Color Streams. I am using it to embroider purple pigs!
An 1860s American Girl Doll Hat: The Hat of Inadvertently Cracktastic 80s wedding fabulousness
Making an American Girl doll hat: from 1860s macabre and halloween-y to 80s cracktastic in one unfortunate evening’s work.
Sewing Stuffed Pigs: Oinkers, Doink & Sidney
Sewing stuffed pigs comes with responsibilities. This triple bill of Porcine Perfection is known as Oinkers, Doink and Sidney.