This enormous Edwardian doll was made from a kit by a sadly no-longer-in-operation doll hat pattern company called Cathy Stuart Designs.
19th Century , American Girl doll , doll costumes , doll hat , millinery
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From the Archives: A Pink 1860s Summer Dress for an American Girl Doll
Here is my pink 1860s summer dress for an American Girl doll – sewn from vintage fabrics and inspired by all the 18t60s fashion plates showing summer dresses worn with wide straw hats!
19th Century , American Girl doll , doll costumes , doll hat , Halloween , millinery
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An 1860s Doll Hat: The Cracktastic Hat Bounces BACK
My cracktastic little halloween-y 1860s doll hat, last seen looking like something out of a montage of bad 80s bridesmaids dresses, is BACK.
19th Century , American Girl doll , doll costumes , doll hat , millinery
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Short and Sweet Tutorial for a Straw Basket Bonnet
Here is a short tutorial on how to make a straw basket 1860’s doll bonnet from a craft-store straw basket!
19th Century , American Girl doll , doll costumes , silk ribbon embroidery , Wired Ribbons
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Historical Inspiration Festival – 1860s Summer Dress for an American Girl Doll
Story of A Seamstress is hosting a Historical Inspiration Costume Festival. She’s kindly invited doll costumers to participate. Here’s Bella!
doll hat , Halloween , Hat , millinery
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An 1860s American Girl Doll Hat: The Hat of Inadvertently Cracktastic 80s wedding fabulousness
Making an American Girl doll hat: from 1860s macabre and halloween-y to 80s cracktastic in one unfortunate evening’s work.